Smart Bed Market Projected to Reach $6.73 Billion by 2033; Hospitals to Account for 32% Usage, Reports Future Market Insights

2023-03-29 11:20:06 By : Ms. Andy Huang
: Revolutionizing Healthcare and Enhancing Patient Comfort.

As healthcare becomes more patient-centric, the demand for smarter and more sophisticated medical equipment continues to grow. One such equipment is the smart bed, which combines technology and comfort to transform the way patients are cared for. Smart beds are designed to promote better patient outcomes, reduce the risk of complications, and improve patient satisfaction.
Global Smart Bed Market to reach US$ 6.73 Billion by 2033; Hospitals to comprise 32% of Total Usage: Future Market Insights, Inc. Reports - ForexTV

According to a recent report by Future Market Insights, the global smart bed market is projected to reach US$ 6.73 billion by 2033, with hospitals comprising 32% of total usage. As the demand for better healthcare services continues to increase, hospitals are increasingly investing in smart beds to improve patient outcomes, enhance patient satisfaction, and reduce the risk of adverse events.

Smart beds are equipped with a range of features that allow healthcare professionals to monitor and customize patient care. For instance, the beds come with sensors that monitor patient movements, weight, and posture, which can be used to detect early signs of pressure ulcers, falls, and other adverse events. The beds can also be adjusted to suit the individual needs of patients, such as changing the angle of the bed or adjusting the firmness of the mattress.

One of the main benefits of smart beds is that they help to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers, which are a common complication among hospitalized patients. Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, can be painful, debilitating, and costly to treat. However, by using smart beds, healthcare professionals can monitor patient movements and adjust the position of the bed to prevent pressure ulcers from occurring.

Smart beds can also help to reduce the risk of falls, which are another common complication among hospitalized patients, particularly older adults. Falls can cause injuries such as fractures, head injuries, and lacerations, which can be life-threatening. By using smart beds, healthcare professionals can monitor patient movements and identify patients who are at risk of falling. They can then take appropriate measures such as using bed alarms, installing bed rails, or providing additional support to prevent falls from occurring.

In addition to improving patient outcomes, smart beds also enhance patient comfort, which can have a positive impact on patient satisfaction. Patients who are comfortable and well-rested are more likely to have a positive experience in the hospital and are more likely to recommend the hospital to others. Smart beds provide a range of comfort features such as adjustable firmness, heating/cooling, and massage, which can help patients to relax and get a good night's sleep.

In conclusion, the use of smart beds is revolutionizing healthcare by improving patient outcomes, enhancing patient comfort, and reducing the risk of adverse events. As hospitals continue to invest in smart bed technology, the global smart bed market is set to grow significantly, with hospitals comprising a significant portion of the market. If you're looking to enhance patient care and improve patient satisfaction in your hospital, investing in smart beds is a smart choice.